Welcome To:
Computer Programming
Matt Gottsacker
Computer Programming
Marquette University High School
Last modified: 01.05.2020
About me
I am an Alumni Service Corps teacher.
I graduated from Saint Louis University in May 2019.
Major: Computer Science
Minor: English
I have interned at software companies and at research labs.
I have experience coding in multiple programming languages.
Java, Python, JavaScript, R, C, C++, X86 Assembly, Go
I am most interested in the field of Human-Computer Interaction.
Hypothesis: We are all nerdy about something.
About you
Grade level
Why did you sign up for this class?
What are your technical or computer science-related interests?
What are your non-technical interests or hobbies?
What are you a nerd about?
Course pre-requisites: Mathematics
You must be in advanced or accelerated math
The following classes are NOT advanced or accelerated:
Geometry with Mrs. Kresovic
Algebra 2 w/ Mr. Cleary
Precalculus w/ Mrs. McDevitt
Course pre-requisites: Computers
You are required to have your own computer for this course. This is listed in the course handbook as a requirement for this course.
You are also required to keep this computer in working condition throughout the semester. A damaged or inoperable computer is not an excuse to miss deadlines.
A few (2) computers are available for students to use in class if they are unable to purchase a computer.
This requirement can be satisfied by the cheapest computer you can find. Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux work best. Avoid Chromebooks, if possible.
Course material
I assume you know nothing about computer programming (but I assume you are a reasonably good critical thinker).
I base my presentations and assignments off of the course textbook, with some modifications to exercises and editions to outdated content.
My goal is to get through 6 chapters of the text.
The text has 16 chapters and you are welcome to work ahead if you like.
However, you cannot use future material to make current problems easier (i.e. using chapter seven techniques to solve a chapter five problem).
Course objectives
Course mechanics: in class
Notes on the readings
Chapter reading quizzes
Programming examples and exercises
Programming assignments (solo and group)
Chapter practical quizzes
Course mechanics: website
Everything will be posted online.
Code example
You may see code in the lectures in this format:
public class Lecture_0 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("I love computer programming!");
For next class:
Google form about you.
Install JDK and Geany via the links I share with you.
By Wednesday, 01.08.2020:
Read sections 1.1 - 1.7 of the textbook.