Welcome To:

Computer Programming

Matt Gottsacker
Computer Programming
Marquette University High School
Last modified: 01.05.2020

About me

  • I am an Alumni Service Corps teacher.
  • I graduated from Saint Louis University in May 2019.
    • Major: Computer Science
    • Minor: English
  • I have interned at software companies and at research labs.
  • I have experience coding in multiple programming languages.
    • Java, Python, JavaScript, R, C, C++, X86 Assembly, Go
  • I am most interested in the field of Human-Computer Interaction.


Hypothesis: We are all nerdy about something.

About you

  1. Name
  2. Grade level
  3. Why did you sign up for this class?
  4. What are your technical or computer science-related interests?
  5. What are your non-technical interests or hobbies?
  6. What are you a nerd about?

Course pre-requisites: Mathematics

  • You must be in advanced or accelerated math
  • The following classes are NOT advanced or accelerated:
    • Geometry with Mrs. Kresovic
    • Algebra 2 w/ Mr. Cleary
    • Precalculus w/ Mrs. McDevitt

Course pre-requisites: Computers

  • You are required to have your own computer for this course. This is listed in the course handbook as a requirement for this course.
  • You are also required to keep this computer in working condition throughout the semester. A damaged or inoperable computer is not an excuse to miss deadlines.
  • A few (2) computers are available for students to use in class if they are unable to purchase a computer.
  • This requirement can be satisfied by the cheapest computer you can find. Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux work best. Avoid Chromebooks, if possible.

Course material

  • I assume you know nothing about computer programming (but I assume you are a reasonably good critical thinker).
  • I base my presentations and assignments off of the course textbook, with some modifications to exercises and editions to outdated content.
  • My goal is to get through 6 chapters of the text.
  • The text has 16 chapters and you are welcome to work ahead if you like.
  • However, you cannot use future material to make current problems easier (i.e. using chapter seven techniques to solve a chapter five problem).

Review of the syllabus

Course objectives

  • Collaborative
  • Innovative
  • Creative
  • Interdisciplinary
  • Ethical

Course mechanics: in class

  • Notes on the readings
  • Chapter reading quizzes
  • Programming examples and exercises
  • Programming assignments (solo and group)
  • Chapter practical quizzes

Course mechanics: website

Code example

You may see code in the lectures in this format:

public class Lecture_0 {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println("I love computer programming!");


For next class:

  • Google form about you.
  • Install JDK and Geany via the links I share with you.

By Wednesday, 01.08.2020:

  • Read sections 1.1 - 1.7 of the textbook.

Thank you!